
The sources for dishtiny can be downloaded from the Github repo.

You can either clone the public repository:

    $ git clone git://

Or download the tarball:

    $ curl  -OL


This project has a containerized build enviroment available with all its dependencies installed. Either build a copy of the container locally from the project’s Dockerfile, or get a copy of the container from DockerHub.

If you have Docker installed, you can launch an interactive shell inside the dishtiny container like so,

sudo docker run -it mmore500/dishtiny

Likewise, if you have Singularity installed,

singularity shell docker://mmore500/dishtiny

Hassle-free Cloud-based Development Environment with Web GUI 😎

Go to As of Febuary 2021, Google provides this service free of charge!

You can paste these commands all in at once.

source <(curl -s

singularity shell docker://mmore500/dishtiny


If the script hangs on a “gpg”-related step, hit ctrl-c and try again a few times. If you get an error like Error downloading Do you have permission to write to /home/mmore500/.singularity/docker? hit ctrl-\ and then retry the singularity shell step.

This’ll take a few minutes, so go get yourself a cup of coffee ☕. When you get back, a shell prompt from the container should be ready to rock and roll. At this point, you can check out the source code, make, and run!

git clone --recursive --shallow-submodules
cd dishtiny
mkdir temp && cd temp
cp ../rundishtiny .
./rundishtiny --RUN_SECONDS 30 --DATA_DUMP 1

You might see the message (EE) Failed to open authorization file "/dev/null/": Not a directory. That’s okay!

Compiling takes a minute or so and dumping data (in particular, png grid visualizations) takes a few minutes. That’s also okay!

If you want to build and run the web app from Cloud Shell, run these commands from inside the container in the dishtiny source directory,

cd third-party/ && ./; cd -
make web
cd web && python3 -m http.server 8080

Then, use Cloud Shell’s Web Preview feature to view the web app in your own browser. As of February 2021, there’s a button in the top right hand corner of the user interface that lets you launch the web preview. (Note that, for now, the web app will only work properly in Google Chrome.)

Singularity mounts most of the host filesystem, meaning that any changes you make using the web editor will seamlessly apply inside the container. Nice!

Your source code files should persist across Cloud Shell sessions, but your development environment only persists for the duration of your session. This means that you’ll need to re-run the environment setup steps Kind of annoying, but on the plus side if you accidentally bork your development environment you can open up a new session for a fresh start! 🤷‍♂️ 🚀 If you do bork your environment, give the command exit until your the terminal pane closes then refresh the page. If the command prompt is hanging, you might have to mash ctrl-c, ctrl-\, or ctrl-z first.

If your environment continues to be borked, try

sudo apt-get purge -y docker singularity-container xvfb
sudo apt-get install -y docker singularity-container xvfb

Cloud Shell Terminal Tricks

If your terminal doesn’t have a scrollbar, click the settings icon ⚙️ near the top left of the terminal window. Go to Terminal Preferences and click Show Scrollbar. You can also control the color theme and font size!